MSDSS is a registered trust under Societies Registration Act 1860. MSDSS is the face of social responsibility in the Mahakali Caves-Poonam Nagar area of Andheri East, Mumbai.
Our vision is to build a complete education and healthcare support system for the needy in the area.
Towards this we have set ourselves the mission to build a self-sustaining organisation to carry out our social responsibilities; extend a helping hand to the needy in the area - particularly in the area of children education.
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy;
I awoke and saw that life was service;
I acted and behold, service was joy."
- Rabindranath Tagore
The Mahakali Caves Road - Poonam Nagar area is full of high-rises and home to thousands of cosmopolitan professionals. Yet tucked away in pockets lie teeming tenements and shanties home to hundreds of thousands of the less well to do. For them life is a daily struggle for the things we take for granted - a scramble for water, queues for the toilets, a desperate effort to earn enough for a meal for the family. In such a setting who can afford the money for fees, books, uniforms and the extras that schools demand. The children of such families naturally drop out of or don't go to school at all. The parents are helpless. The children suffer.
This is where MSDSS extend a helping hand through our project Shiksha Ki Ashayen.We have tied up with schools in the area and through these schools we provide annual scholarships to the students in financial difficulties thus enabling them to continue their education.
Ever since we started five years back, we are providing annual scholarships every year to the students and increasing the number of scholarships year on year. In the year 2015 we have given scholarships to 115meritorious students.
From the year 2013, we have enhanced the scope our project, Shiksha Ki Ashayen; we have also decided to provide support for higher education to a select number of meritorious students till they complete their graduation or professional courses they decide to join at the end of their junior college.
We also provide monetary support to charitable organisations like Ramkrishna Mission, Bharat Sevashram, and to old age homes in the area.
We wish to do so much more. We do so because we care.
We are grateful to all the organisations and individuals who have supported our endeavours. We seek your continued support.

As part of our 'Shiksha-ki-Ashayen' initiative and a follow up of awarding annual scholarship to needy and meritorious 170+ students on the auspicious occasion of Saraswati Puja early this year, we staged a fund raising event at the Rabindra Natya Mandir where Aditi Munshi, considered as the leader of the revival in the traditional divine melodies of Kirtan and celebrated contemporary singer-poet duo Subhamita Banerjee, who specializes in modern songs, Ghazals and Srijato Bandyopadhyay, one of the most celebrated poet of contemporary Bengal, performed on Sat, 20th April, in front of a packed hall. Fund raised through this event will be used for supporting needy meritorious students to minimise school dropouts.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
― Nelson Mandela |
Every child dreams of becoming somebody someday, to go way beyond the distance their parents did. But for many the dream dies to the harsh reality of no money for school fees, books, and all those extras most of us take for granted. The need to earn a living, of any kind, is paramount and thousands of bright young minds are lost to the mundane unskilled workforce.
At MSDSS we have been focussing on extending a helping hand to the financially weaker sections in the Mahakali Caves Road - Poonam Nagar area of Andheri by providing scholarships to the deserving for their school education.
Now we have embarked on an ambitious project to support financially challenged students for further and higher education. This goes way beyond providing fees and books. We shall take the full responsibility for the complete education of the selected students through school to college and beyond. Other than the financial aspect we intend to provide mentoring, tutoring, counselling, industrial and corporate exposure to ensure that these bright minds have the opportunity to flourish and join the mainstream of society.
We call it Shiksha Ki Ashayen.
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